Studies and Information

First off I would like to say I am not pro-home birth.  I do not believe home birth is the best option for everyone.  I believe the best environment for birth is wherever the mother is the safest and feels the most at peace, wherever that may be.  However, I am not okay with women not being fully educated on their options for birth.  Many people do not realize how political birth is.  There are millions of dollars to be made through birth. That coupled with fear of the unknown makes for a powerful vehicle for misinformation.  Keep this in mind as you think about what you have been taught and what you are learning now about birth.   So here are some studies and news articles to help you make the best decision for you and your birth.

Lamaze International has put out an informational clip on the state of birth in our country.  If ever there is something that will make women take notice and see they need to advocate for themselves I would hope this video.

New guidelines say vaginal birth OK after c-section

 NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – Even if they aren't staffed to handle emergency cesarean sections, hospitals should respect a woman's informed choice to have a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC), new guidelines say.

VBAC is known to increase the risk that the scar left in the womb from a previous cesarean will tear during labor, leading to massive bleeding that can threaten the baby's life. That has led to previous guidelines urging caution for women who have had cesarean sections.

But recent research shows so-called uterine rupture occurs in less than one percent of women who opt for vaginal birth, and that between 60 and 80 percent of VBACs are completed successfully.

While the new guidelines from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) still say a full surgical team should be present in case an emergency cesarean is required, they now put a bigger emphasis on the woman's decision.

"Respect for patient autonomy supports that patients should be allowed to accept increased levels of risk; however, patients should be clearly informed of such potential increase in risk and management alternatives," they say.

"For most women with a previous cesarean delivery, a trial of labor is a safe and appropriate option," said Dr. Jeffrey L. Ecker, referring to a planned VBAC attempt.

Ecker, who directs maternal-fetal medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, co-wrote the new guidelines, published in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Even women who've had two prior cesareans might be good candidates for vaginal birth, he said.
(for the full article click on the link)